FTTH ファミリー100

OCN なら 1980JPY
合計 7660/m

わらし 2004/06/07(mon)01:09

ぷらら 1,470JPY

基本セッション数 2
最大接続数 5
というのは、まぁ いいとして
わらし 2004/06/07(mon)01:13


わらし 2004/06/07(mon)01:16


いまなら工事費( 27100JPY )無料

契約料の 800JPYは、必要
わらし 2004/06/07(mon)01:25

うろうろしないで 価格.com

わらし 2004/06/07(mon)01:31

Serial ATA ってなんだろう ハヤイのかな?

わらし 2004/06/07(mon)10:16

Windows XPスマートチューニング

わらし 2004/06/07(mon)10:17



Subject: Your Domain, cvlz.net has Resolved to our Server
From: FR&T Web Services <hostsupport@frandt.com>
To:: Fumiaki <cvlz@ybb.ne.jp>

Hello Fu.....,

Your website, cvlz.net is up and running!

We recommend saving and printing this email for your records.

If you cannot see your website yet, you may need to wait another 24 hours
for it to resolve (show up) on your ISP's servers. You should see a coming
soon page until you replace the index.html page on the site.

You can set up your email using Outlook Express or any other mail client
using these settings:

POP Server: mail.cvlz.net
SMTP Server: mail.cvlz.net or the SMTP server of your ISP.
(we recommend using the SMTP of your ISP for trouble free sending)


As the site administrator, you have the privilege to publish the site
homepage and manage email accounts. You may also use our Member Zone
control panel to access other features with your website:

Add / Modify / Delete Email Accounts
Manage & Create MySQL Databases
View Your Bandwidth
and so much more.....

Control Panel can be accessed at:

http://cvlz.net:2082 ←繋がるわけない
http://cvlz.net/cpanel ←繋がるわけない

Your Username is: *******
Your Password is: *******

I. Uploading Your Web Files

Your homepage must be created and ready before you can upload your
files. To name your web files, only lower case characters from a-z,
numbers from 0-9, and the underscore (_). Do not place spaces in
your file names and/or directories.

Your initial page must be named 'index.html'. Ensure that this first
page of your web site is named correctly or else your web site will
not appear. Any other page linked to the 'index' page can be named
by you freely.

Our web servers are configured so that your homepage can be viewed
with or without 'www' at http://www.cvlz.net/ OR

This hosting package does not include FrontPage server extensions. If
your web contains any webbot components that require the server
extensions you may encounter a publishing error.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

The FTP (File Transfer Protocol) file transfer system is versatile
as well as extremely useful. You can rename your files, upload,
download, and manage most aspects of your account via FTP. If you are
using a Web authoring software package that handles the uploading of
files to the server, such as Navigator Gold, then the correct
configuration may be somewhat different. The following instructions
assume that you are dialed up to your Internet Service Provider as
you normally are when browsing the web.

To upload your HTML documents follow these steps:

1. Acquiring FTP Software

We recommend the use of WS-FTP LE 32 Bit which can be acquired at
www.ipswitch.com or www.tucows.com.

2. Connecting and logging in via FTP

Different graphical FTP programs will vary somewhat in their
interfaces and menu layouts, but are generally similar enough that
the following instructions will apply. Every FTP client will have a
place (a dialog box which automatically appears, or a menu selection
which brings up such a box) where you enter information regarding
which server on the Internet you want to hook up to. You may have to
hit a button labeled 'Connect' in order to get this box to come up.
When you have found this box in your particular client, there are
three crucial pieces of information needed to log you in to your
account as the account owner. They are:

Host Name = cvlz.net
Username = *******
Password = *******

Other settings to watch out for

'Anonymous Login' checkbox - Some FTP programs have a checkbox
labeled 'Anonymous Login', or something similar. You want to be sure
that this box is unchecked. Having this box inadvertently checked
will cause your client to log in as an anonymous user instead of the
account owner, even if you have entered your userid and password in
the appropriate places.

Initial Directories - Sometimes having values in boxes which specify
Initial Directories can cause your connection attempt to fail. It is
best to leave these boxes blank, or delete any default values which
you may find there.

When uploading, please make sure your initial directory is public_html.

Host Type - Generally 'Auto-detect' is a safe value to have as the
Host Type, but if it doesn't work use UNIX.

With these settings in place, click the Ok or Connect button to
connect to your web server.

3. Root www level

Once you are logged in to the FTP server you be placed at the root
or www level indicated by '/' in the remote site location box. The
local system is your computer and the remote site is the web server.

4. Moving files back and forth

The next step is to locate your files on your computer in the left
set of list boxes. Select the files you wish to upload in the local
machine list boxes on the left portion of your screen. Next, click
the Copy, Transfer or arrow button to upload your files.

The procedure for retrieving files from your account is the same as
downloading, you just select the source and destinations in different
list boxes.

If you edit/make changes to a page, upload it to the remote server
and overwrite the old file so that the updated page will appear on
the web. If changes cannot be seen after you have uploaded new
content to your website, please try clearing your browser cache.


osCommerce information (if applicable)

If you signed up for a TEP Special package, your script is located

http://cvlz.net/default.php ←繋がるわけない

Admin Section:
http://cvlz.net/admin/index.php ←繋がるわけない

This section has not been password protected. You are able to
do this thru the control panel using WebProtect.


Other Important Information:

the path to perl is #!/usr/bin/perl
There may be some instances where the following path
will work:

Is the absolute path for any cgi or php you setup.

Sendmail path is /usr/sbin/sendmail

If you have any questions, feel free to send them in.

Thank You.

Web Support Team

This message was generated on: 06/06/2004 03:25:41 am


ばかばかしくて嫌になったな> frandt
わらし 2004/06/07(mon)10:33

planetpanel って?

どうも質問項目が多すぎる、いま途中 いやになってきた。


というのは WorldPanel とは違うので
わらし 2004/06/07(mon)11:01


[ユーザID] : g2630000
[ドメイン名] : cvlz.net
[1年更新] : 6,600円

合計 6,600 円(内税)

< 銀行振り込み先 >
[銀 行 名] 三井住友銀行 新小岩支店
[口 座 名] 有限会社フューチャリズムワークス
[口座番号] 普通 1897761
乗り換えするなら 06/20までに決めなきゃいけない
わらし 2004/06/07(mon)11:14

frandt メール、住所、電話番号不正なら無料会員のアカウント削除との案内

でも、06/07に とのことなので、削除はされずに済んでいる
Free Trial
100MB Storage
300MB Bandwidth
CGI, SSH, FrontPage SE,PHP
2 FTP accounts,
Webmail accounts
2 MySQL databases
1 sub domains
1 domain parking spaces
1 additional domains for your control panel
You must register additional domains.
To: cvlz@y**.ne.jp
Subject: Account Suspensions and Deletions
From: hostsupport@frandt.com
Reply-to: hostsupport@frandt.com
日付: Sat, 05 Jun 2004 16:15:12 -0400

Starting [color=red]June 7, 2004[/color]
I will be going through all active accounts.
I will be checking for valid e-mail addresses as well as names on all accounts.
All trial accounts that do not have a [b][i]valid name[/i][/b] will be deleted
as well as those that do not have a [b][i]valid e-mail address[/i][/b].
(Example of invalid name: asdf asdf)
Also, all paid accounts will be checked for [b][i]valid telephone number and address[/i][/b].
If either of these is not valid these accounts will be suspended
until I recieve correct information via e-mail.

Please modify your account information or send me an e-mail
with your current information and any corrections
if your information is not currently correct.

All information gathered is for use in connection with your FR&T account only.
It will not be given to third parties and will only be used to
contact you with information relevant to your account.

You can send me an e-mail at
with the above stated information.

Kind Regards,

Kimberly Wells
Client Manager
FR&T Inc.

To: cvlz@y**.ne.jp
Subject: Recent E-mail
From: hostsupport@frandt.com
Reply-to: hostsupport@frandt.com
日付: Sat, 05 Jun 2004 23:55:40 -0400

Dear Customers,


I appologize for the misconception that all users must provide their mailing address and telephone number.
All users must have a correct e-mail address,
though without providing a correct address you cannot access your account
because you will not recieve the account information.
To do this an e-mail will be sent out to all users in our system.
If the message is undeliverable, or I get a response saying that they are not an FR&T
customer their account will be deleted.
ONLY these accounts will be deleted.

Paying users ONLY must provide mailing address and telephone number
for billing purposes ONLY. If this information is not correct the account
will be SUSPENDED until correct information is recieved.
No paid accounts will be deleted.

NO ONE has been suspended or deleted yet.
This e-mail was to inform you that I WILL be going through
the accounts starting June 7, 2004.
If your information is not correct please update it by sending me
an e-mail if you are a PAID ACCOUNT user.

All users must have a correct NAME. Abbreviations are acceptable.
(NOTE: ASDF is not a name. A or S. A. is acceptable.)
If an incorrect name is given on a TRIAL account the account
may be deleted on or after June 7, 2004.

If you have multiple domains they must be under the same Client Login.
If you have more than one Client Login and wish to have them put together
please contact me. If our system registered your domain more than once
you will recieve an e-mail with the login information for either the
account that has your site uploaded to it, or the last recurrance of the domain.

If you have any further questions please contact me at wells.kimberly@frandt.com.

Kind Regards,
Kimberly Wells
Client Manager

わらし 2004/06/07(mon)11:26




まぁ、時間に余裕のあれば、あちこちに会員登録して 50円ためてから

わらし 2004/06/07(mon)12:11


わらし 2004/06/07(mon)12:21


一瞬思ったのですが,それは、85で、うちのは 75でした。

パンフレット表紙で、YBB:45MB と Flets:40MB を並べて
YBBよりも安い! と名指しで自慢するのは
わらし 2004/06/07(mon)14:30

巨大な .js を分割してみましたら

NC4.7 で不思議な動作をするようになりました。
わらし 2004/06/07(mon)16:51


140MB あったファイルから
jpg mpg gif 移動して
33MB に
20.6 MB まで削減してみました。
わらし 2004/06/07(mon)18:26


わらし 2004/06/07(mon)20:14

apache ログの設定を変えてみたら

start apache できなくなって しばし あせった。
わらし 2004/06/07(mon)22:20


わらし 2004/06/07(mon)23:16

該当記事 19 / 19 件

名前 本名 
(写)メール投稿 こよみ
